Founded in 2015, Sunon Technology HK Limited is a Hong Kong subsidiary of the China New Third Board listed E-learning company: Sunon Online (Stock No. 836672). We aims to provide quality Corporate and Big Data training services in Hong Kong and the Great Bay Area. Partnered with various universities and training organizations, we are the main course provider behind the scenes.
鑫日科香港有限公司成立於2015年,是中國新三板上市電子學習公司鑫日科(股票代碼836672)的香港子公司。我們的目標是在大灣區提供優質的企業和大數據培訓服務。 通過與多間大學和國際培訓機構合作,我們是大灣區數家大數據課程的主要課程開發和導師供應商。
Shanghai Nanyang Info- Technology Training Center was established in 1993, Through cooperation with internationally renowned companies. It has now developed into an IT information technology training institution in East China and Central China. In the 27 years of development and the team of the internationally certified full-time trainer, Shanghai Nanyang Info- Technology Training Center is now capable of providing near 100 courses in 3 categories. While paying attention to the quality of education, Shanghai Nanyang Info- Technology Training Center continuously improve after-sales service. They also have developed distinctive training service specifications and quality inspection standards to meet the training needs of our customers.
上海南洋信息技術培訓中心成立於1993年,與國際知名公司緊密合作與交流,目前已發展為業務涉及華東、華中地區的IT信息技術培訓機構。 在奮鬥與創新中的27年裡,培訓中心由起初的幾門單一課程,發展到今天以認證教育、技能教育和企業定制化教育的三大系列近百門課程,是目前IT領域培訓項目齊全,教學內容新的教育機構。擁有數十名經國際認證的專職教師,訓練有素,並具有豐富產品技術及應用知識和教學管理經驗,能夠包含當今互聯網行業熱門技術及相關應用的課程。