OpenCertHub Launch Ceremony 2019 cum Forum
OpenCertHub, the Big Data examination and certification platform for Apache projects held their launch ceremony and forum yesterday. To commemorate this special occasion, the organizer was delighted to have Mr. Tony WONG, JP, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Industry Development), Hon. Charles Peter MOK, JP, Legislative Councillor (I.T.), Ir. Anthony Chan, Senior Manager of Ecosystem and Collaboration Team of Cyberport, Ir. Peter T. C. Yeung, MHKCS, Head of Electronics & ICT Clusters, Smart City Platform of HKSTP, Dr. Martin SZETO, Chief Operating Officer of ASTRI, Mr. CHIA Pun Kok Herbert, Venture Partner of Sequoia Capital China Fund, Ms. Anna LIN, JP, FCILT, Chief Executive of GS1 Hong Kong, Dr. CHARM Ka Ieong Toa, Chairman of OpenCertHub, Ms. CHIU Lai-kuen, Susanna, MH, JP, Former President of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Mr. Stephen K. M. LAU, JP Distinguished FHKCS, Secretary General (Honorary) of Hong Kong Computer Society, together with the other guests to open the curtain of the event.
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